European Politics · Post-Brexit Britain

“Chequers is dead!” was the death knell of the British state

The last compromise the Westminster system was capable of producing, a compromise as crucial now as they had been since 1689, was a totally bungled fiasco. It was the absence of any further potential to compromise. The British state was dead. It had been for a while and no one had understood this. Again, from O’Toole: “What we see with the lid off and the fog of fantasies at last beginning to dissipate is the truth that Brexit is much less about Britain’s relationship with the EU…It is the projection outwards of an inner turmoil.” Nietzsche in 1883 could not understand why everyone kept behaving as if the Christian church was still the supreme authority of European life when it was clear its power was long dead. Likewise, Chequers is dead, and that which produced it, the tangled morass of imperialism born in Westminster, was dead long before it. And now it can be seen.

European Politics · Post-Brexit Britain

Britain is sleepwalking down a path of oblivion

Looking on what’s happening in Britain makes me increasingly dispirited and pessimistic. Already the politics in the country have turned utterly inwards – were it not for the fact she is leaving a European Union you’d have no idea Brexit had anything to do with the continent.